Devotion to Motion is a shame free, shoe free practice, which brings people together in ceremony, to move to the universal language of dance.

An ecstatic, shamanic, somatic experience that is substance free, but not free of substance.

Participants are encouraged to freely move their body to music, which has been curated to form an Elemental Wave (Dancing Freedom).

Which journeys through the 5 Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether.

Meaning, the music starts off slow, builds to a crescendo, and completes with stillness.

It's a fun approach to keeping fit, and allows you to shake off any emotional baggage you may be carrying in the process.

It is also a great way to relieve tension, as it burns up excess energy and disengages the body's stress response.

Being fully present, in a supported space, makes people feel safe enough to express emotions through their body, and literally move with what comes up, which includes vocalising sounds if they wish. Showing up and being witnessed without judgement helps people gain confidence, build self-esteem and resilience.

It is a place where people feel more connected to themselves, their environment, and others in an authentic way. 

When breath unites with movement it becomes a form of intuitive moving meditation.

Many people love to dance, but they don’t feel comfortable going out to dance; particularly at night, or on their own. They may also not feel very welcome because of their age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality. The practice is designed with the intention that everyone feels included; especially as you can’t get it wrong, because there are no steps to learn.

Regular practice allows your body, heart, mind and spirit to be open to new possibilities of connection.

Normally an installation is created around a theme, giving the participants a focal point to help ground them, Offering this as a place to engage with in the form of a practical prayer, helps us feel we all belong.

You can also dance at home anytime to any type of music in the comfort of your home. This is especially important for people who are not comfortable with their own body and do not usually enjoy dancing. Dancing on your own at home may help you to let go, and feel less embarrassed, as there is no reason to be concerned about how other people may perceive you. You just need a private space, where there is room to move to fairly loud music, that you enjoy moving to. You may wish to create an altar to support your practice that represents the 5 Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, or something more personal to you. Then, just dance. Be free, breathe, and let go. There is no need to perform, just let your body move naturally with the music. You can’t get it wrong, as there are no steps to learn. Some people just stand still and sway, and others dance like wild creatures. Some people cry, and some people become ecstatic and laugh. I find simple repetitive movements, and spiralling helps me get into trance like states. The important thing is to get lost in the experience. Some people find following their hands is a good way to start. Let your hands move to the music and allow your body to follow your hands. The main thing is to get out of your head, and let go of any preconceived ideas you have about dance and what it should look like. Consider using positive and uplifting music, because negative lyrics and music may trigger negative emotions. You may wish to chant or use positive affirmations, or just let the music guide you. Whatever you choose to do, allow your practice to become an act of gratitude or worship displayed through physical movement. 

MoveMeant aims to make everyone feel welcome, and become part of a global tribe of people, who are dedicated to improving themselves and living more ethically.

Previous clients include:

For information about our latest event visit: 

Everyone that attends a class or workshop must adhere to our Participant Agreements.

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If you are interested in Lyndall creating a personal dance mix that is curated especially for you, or as beautiful offering to a loved one, please get in touch for a quote:

Please visit Dancing Freedom for more information.